About Sylvain St-Amand (桑贤文)
Sylvain St-Amand is an experienced consultant offering personalized services to students hoping to get a degree in a Canadian university. He has worked with Canadian and Chinese universities for all his career, fostering collaboration between them and encouraging students to engage in learning and understanding each other ´s culture and situation.
In his 33-year career, Sylvain held the role of Director of the Office of International Relations at the Université du Luxembourg from 2019 to 2022, and at Univesité du Québec à Montreal (UQAM) from 2006 to 2019. He has developed and maintained relationships with more than 40 Chinese universities during his tenure.
His connection with China began in 1985 when he pursued studies in modern Chinese history, eventually earning a Canada-China scholarship to study at Fudan University (1986-1987).
In the academic sphere, Sylvain's contributions to Canada-China relations are notable. He taught courses like "Performing Consulting Work in China" at UQAM for four years, where he accompanied each year 20 students to China, matching them with Chinese students in developing business projects. Additionally, he served as a lecturer on China for three years (2016-2019) at the annual Summer School of the École Nationale d’Administration Publique’s (ENAP) under the theme “Doing Business in a Multipolar World ".
At its core, Sylvain St-Amand's career reflects a sincere commitment to encouraging collaborations between Canada and China, through higher education channels. Sylvain is now actively engaged in facilitating opportunities for Chinese students to come to Canada, offering them a professional, safe, and supportive experience, thus ensuring them the best conditions to succeed in their career paths.
关于 Sylvain St-Amand (桑贤文)
桑贤文 是一名经验丰富的顾问,为希望获得加拿大大学学位的学生提供个性化服务。在他的职业生涯中,他一直与加拿大和中国的大学合作,促进他们之间的合作,鼓励学生参与学习,了解对方的文化和情况。
在其 33 年的职业生涯中,西尔万曾于 2019 年至 2022 年担任卢森堡大学国际关系办公室主任,并于 2006 年至 2019 年担任蒙特利尔魁北克大学国际关系办公室主任。在其任职期间,他与40多所中国大学建立并保持了合作关系。
他与中国的联系始于 1985 年,当时他攻读中国近现代史,并最终获得了加中奖学金,前往复旦大学学习(1986-1987 年)。
在学术领域,桑贤文 对加中关系的贡献是显著的。他在魁北克大学讲授了四年 "在中国从事咨询工作 "等课程,每年陪同 20 名学生前往中国,为他们与中国学生牵线搭桥,共同开发商业项目。此外,他还连续三年(2016-2019 年)在法国国立公共管理学院(ENAP)以 "在多极世界中经商 "为主题的年度暑期班上担任中国问题讲师。
桑贤文 职业生涯的核心,是通过高等教育渠道鼓励中加合作的真诚承诺。桑贤文 目前正积极为中国学生提供来加拿大学习的机会,为他们提供专业、安全和支持性的经历,从而确保他们在职业道路上取得成功。